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FdA Childhood Education

The FdA Childhood Education is an exciting opportunity for you to study education provided for children 0-11 years of age. You will gain all of the necessary skills to understand how to provide the support and guidance needed for a career in Childhood Education.


This course is focused on Primary School teaching but will teach the importance of the transitions from EYFS to key stage 1 through to key stage 2. It provides an introduction to a wide range of topics associated with childhood education including some of the more complex issues surrounding children and education today. The programme will enable students to develop their own teaching strategies and practice from this knowledge base. You will develop your understanding of childhood education through making clear and consistent links between theory and your own practice whilst undertaking a professional work placement.

Please be aware that due to government changes in June 2022 within the Early Childhood Benchmark statement by QAA, the FdA Childhood Education course is no longer on the approved list for providers for Early Years Practitioner Status for the Department of Education. Therefore, this foundation degree qualification does not cover graduates to be included within ratios within early years settings. If you require this to be an option, please apply for the FdA Early Years Practice which is recognised as full and relevant.

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Start date: 22/09/2025

Course code
Level 5
Penwith College
2 years
Foundation Degree
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Excellent Tutor Support

Embedded Vocational Practice

Professional Progression Links

Trips to Alternative Learning Environments

Experienced Teaching Staff

Teaching 00007

Excellent Professional Progression

Previous students of the FdA Childhood Education course have been able to successfully apply for a place on local SCITT Programmes, third-year top-ups on a range of Bachelors Degrees and have felt well prepared for Level 6 study.

Portrait of pupils and teacher reading and discussing interesting book in library

Working With Local Settings

Our students undertake a work placement in the first and second year of the course, utilising links with local Primary Schools, Nurseries and Special Schools. We have dedicated links to TPAT Schools and provide a range of support to find the best placement for you

Certificate In Education2

Continuing Professional Development

Alongside the foundation degree, we offer additional opportunities to increase your professional development through courses including Paediatric First Aid, Safeguarding, Makaton and have links to undertake Forest School training.


This programme has been designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge base required to work in their chosen specialism or other graduate opportunities. It is also a platform from which students can undertake additional academic and in some instances professional vocational qualifications.

Programme Quality Handbook 2024-25

Modules: Stage 1/Stage 2

Stage 1:

  • TRUR1301 Psychology of Learning and Development
  • TRUR1302 Interpersonal Relationships and Teamworking
  • TRUR1303 The Educational Theory of Teaching
  • TRUR1304 Curriculum, Planning and Assessment
  • TRUR1306 Special Educational Needs and Disability
  • TRUR1308 Professional Practice within a Primary Setting

Stage 2:

  • TRUR2304 Education and Society
  • TRUR2305 Alternative Learning Environments
  • TRUR2306 Curriculum: English and Mathematics
  • TRUR2307 Primary Curriculum: Science and Technology
  • TRUR2309 Educational Research
  • TRUR2311 Critical Professional Practice within Primary Education

Methods of study: The course is taught through a mixture of lectures, seminars and practice portfolio workshops. Assessments are through essays, reports, presentations, curriculum resource planning and professional practice portfolio reflections and evidence.

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Upon completion of the FdA Childhood Education, students may be suited to work in a variety of settings and these opportunities within the education sector. Students undertaking the FdA Childhood Education may alternatively progress onto the following degrees:

  • BA (Hons) Education and Training (Truro & Penwith College)
  • BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies (University of Plymouth)
  • BA (Hons) Education Studies (University of Plymouth)
  • BA (Hons) Human Behavioural Studies (Truro & Penwith College)
  • BSc (Hons) Applied Social Science (Truro & Penwith College)

Other institutions may also offer appropriate third year choices and students are encouraged to discuss other options with their Personal Tutor. Applications for progression will be subject to availability and must be submitted by the given deadline.

Employability: The FdA Childhood Education prepares you for employability in the sector as it increases your understanding of children’s learning and development. There are bespoke modules that focus on the planning and delivery of curriculum subjects. The vocational practice enables you to develop your confidence in the classroom. Graduates are suitably prepared to pursue careers in primary school teaching, childcare management and nursery supervision. We have lecturers teaching on the course who were former students themselves and have completed their Bachelor’s Degree and post-16 PGCE.

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Assessment Arrangements

Assessment for this course is 100% coursework. Assessment is through a variety of methods to suit the module, these include; Academic essays, Seminars, Reports, Research and Reflection.

There is a compulsory work placement element to two of the modules, Professional Practice and Critical Professional Practice. It is compulsory to fulfill and evidence 80 hours of work placement in the first year and 120 hours of work placement in the second year. However, students are required to make links with practice throughout all modules and assessments.

Entry Requirements

All applicants must have GCSE (or equivalent) Maths, English and Science at Grade C (4) or above. Together with one of the following:

  • A minimum of 48 tariff points at A Level or equivalent Level 3 qualification
  • Access to Higher Education: Considered on an individual basis
  • Level 3 qualifications achieved in the workplace will be taken into consideration National and Advanced Diplomas in a relevant subject

Applications from mature students without academic credentials will be considered on an individual basis but must prove they are capable of Higher Education study.

Additional Information

UCAS course code: X310

Duration: 2 years

Awarding body: University of Plymouth

How to apply: Visit UCAS

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What you could earn

  • Secondary Education Teaching Professionals
  • Higher Education Teaching Professionals
  • Further Education Teaching Professionals
  • Education Advisers and School Inspectors
  • Inspectors of Standards and Regulations
  • Careers Advisers and Vocational Guidance Specialists
  • School Secretaries
  • Teaching Assistants
Potential Salary


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Truro College

Tel: 01872 305000

Truro College,
College Road, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3XX
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Penwith College

Tel: 01736 809000

Penwith College,
St Clare Street, Penzance,
Cornwall, TR18 2SA
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STEM & Health Skills Centre

Tel: 01208 224455

STEM & Health Skills Centre,
Ottery Building, Old Callywith Road, Bodmin, PL31 2GU
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University Centre

Tel: 01872 305750

University Centre Truro & Penwith,
Fal Building, College Road, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3XX
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Future Skills Institute

Tel: 01872 308000

Truro & Penwith College,
College Road, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3XX
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