Hometown: Truro
Course: FdSc Law with Criminology and Criminal Justice
My Story:
After being out of education for years and slightly apprehensive at returning to study as a mature student, Beckie has proved that its never too late. During her first year of degree study at the University Centre, she has secured a role as a Family Magistrate. Beckie’s role involves helping solve disputes that involve children and issues which affect families. This can include, amongst other things, making decisions affecting vulnerable children, enforcing child protection orders, and helping prevent domestic abuse.
Seeing that she could study for her law career in her hometown was the perfect fit for Beckie, especially as she was familiar with the campus from previously studying her A levels at Truro College.
Beckie said: “I’ve loved every bit so far and I’m really looking forward to continuing with my studies.”
“I have always had an interest in the Law and in true crime so being able to combine two of my interests was perfect.”
“The lecturers are able to get to know you and offer real tailored support where needed. This has been hugely beneficial to my learning and has helped build my confidence after being away from education for such a long time.”
“I have recently been sworn in as a family magistrate, something which the FdSc in law at Truro College has been instrumental in helping me achieve. The confidence which I have gained through studying law and through the support of the lecturers has been invaluable and the knowledge gained from the varied modules taught, has given me a firm base of legal understanding which hugely benefits my grasp of the cases.”
Beckie’s advice to potenital student is “Do it! You’re never to old to follow your dreams!