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New £1.1 million project to boost business

A new £1.1 million project to improve productivity and deliver sustainable growth to Cornwall’s businesses has rolled out across Cornwall

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Published Monday 14 February 2022

The Accelerating Circular Skills for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (ARCA) project has been announced by Truro and Penwith College to further enhance its Business Support Package to help employers navigate the challenges facing the business community.

Through the ESF part-funded ARCA project Truro and Penwith College will be engaging with SME and micro businesses to determine skills needs across Cornwall.

Employers will be invited to work in partnership with the College to co-design bespoke training programmes in Leadership, Management and Coaching that support the transition to a circular economy, drive sustainable economic growth and tackle wider business challenges.

Employers will benefit from the development of targeted training that is aligned with their business challenges and goals and will be invited to send staff on several taster sessions throughout the project to help identify their business training needs at no cost.

Employers will then work with the College to co-design new courses to support their training needs, which will be offered at a reduced rate.

Businesses that are not involved in the initial design of the programmes are also set to benefit with the project funding up to 50% of training costs once courses are established and adopted into the College’s professional development offer.

The focus on Leadership, Management and Coaching enhances the College’s well recognised suite of training as an Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Approved Centre.

The College is delivering the project in partnership with the University of Exeter and has developed a programme of activities to engage the business community. The first of which is a two-day Change Management Workshop that will take place at Haven House Conference Centre on 08 and 15 March 2022. This will then be followed by a one-day Developing Talent workshop on 30 March 2022.

Lisa Lawrence, ARCA Project Coordinator commented: “We are excited to announce the new ARCA project and can’t wait to start working with the business community. We would like to hear from businesses who are interested in developing and investing in their workforce to achieve a sustainable organisation.

“The College has a long history of developing bespoke training with our employer partners. The development of new training is not only of benefit to employers working with the project but will provide a legacy of permanent enhancements to our already very successful ILM Leadership, Management and Coaching offer”.

Employers are invited to find out more about engaging with the project by contacting Lisa on 01872 308022 or emailing


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