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New seminars to boost business

The College has announced a series of new seminars to boost business with significant part-funding available.

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Published Friday 8 April 2022


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New seminars announced  |  Paul Keene’s latest blog

A series of new Business Seminars has been announced alongside a significant part-funding package from the European Social Fund to boost businesses across Cornwall.

The suite of ten, one-day seminars and funding forms part of Truro and Penwith College’s Business Support package.

Starting on Tuesday 12 April and running until the end of July, the College is offering multiple opportunities to attend many of the seminars in areas that are key to supporting businesses as they manage the impacts of Covid-19 and the Brexit transition, with subjects including; Change Management, Developing Talent, Assertiveness and Difficult Conversations, Coaching and Practical Training Skills to name a few.

View the full list of seminars, dates and booking information

Funding is available through the College’s range of projects that are part-funded by the European Social Fund, providing both individuals and employers 50% funding towards the cost of the seminars.

Paul Keene, Deputy Team Leader and Leadership & Management Trainer at Truro and Penwith College commented: “The College is delighted to announce our revised and holistic offer of one-day Business Seminars that tackle the areas our Professional Development learners often need additional support in.

“Many of our learners find making time to learn a challenge and the one-day seminar options are proving increasingly popular either as a one-off skills boosting session or to further enhance one of the College’s ILM Leadership and Management qualifications”.

The College’s professional development courses focus on learners’ real workplace challenges, in a confidential environment that encourages collaboration and reflection. Paul discusses the positive impact of learning and reflection along with the challenges of finding time to learn and the issues with putting it off in his latest blog:

What have you learnt today? A simple question, with many potential answers. What’s common however is that many of life’s lessons pass us by subconsciously if we don’t take the time to reflect and consider the daily lessons gifted to us.

For many, it seems we are “too busy to learn” as we move ever faster on to the next task without being fully conscious of the insights we’ve gleaned and how we can apply these for future benefit. “The wrong way – but faster” becomes a subconscious mantra as we get sucked along by a stream of stuff.

How many times do we identify something we can improve, only to park this on the pile marked “improve later” before it fades into the abyss of “improve never”?

In their 2014 bestselling book, The One Thing” Gary Keller and Jay Papason, urged people to consider ‘what’s the One Thing you can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?’

Investing even a small amount of time to reflect and fully access the lessons from our lived experience can reap huge rewards not just for our learning but for our mental health and wellbeing as well. With today’s ever-changing world being able to think clearly and then take positive, well-informed action has never been so important.

Here at Truro and Penwith College, we offer a wide-range of seminars that give you that all important space to think. Covering topics such as Change Management, Developing Talent and Emotional Behaviours in the Workplace as a one-day intensive seminar will provide the opportunity to discover tools and techniques you can immediately apply to deliver results in your everyday professional life.

For a limited time, funding support is available for many of our seminar programmes, through one of our ESF Projects.

Why wait to improve, when you can do it now?


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