After two years of hard work and dedication over 1,600 A Level, Vocational Diploma and T Level students collected their results in August. With almost 1,000 students leaving College having secured entry to their first-choice university, this year is the culmination of their efforts and diligence, supported through the care, expertise and dedication of our excellent staff.
Why choose Study Skills?
Everyone can develop and improve study skills – whether you’re retaking your essential GCSEs or on your way to Oxbridge. Some key skills are time management, revision and using electronic resources, reading and writing skills and critical thinking.
Developing your study skills can help you feel more in control, better organised and can help you meet new challenges as you progress through your learning journey. Stress is a big enemy of effective study and feeling in control lessens stress. And, don’t forget, many study skills are transferable to the world of work. Developing the capacity to communicate effectively and meet deadlines are two skills employers really value.