motivated and dynamic volunteers
Truro and Penwith College is keen to recruit motivated and dynamic volunteers from a wide range of backgrounds and with a diversity of skills and experience.
The Governing body, together with the Principal, constitutes the highest level of decision-making in the College, having overall responsibility for the strategic direction and financial health of the institution. A number of College Governor opportunities will become available this year.
As a Governor you will be at the heart of the College, responsible for determining the education and training provided and the strategy for delivering it. You will also lead the drive to maintain excellent teaching and learning by ensuring good control systems and challenging areas for improvement.

Expectations of a governor
As well as having a firm commitment to education and supporting the College's mission to provide excellence in its education and training, Governors are expected to:
- offer skills and experience that will complement and enhance the overall knowledge and experience of the existing membership
- have a track record of success such as in a business, public or voluntary environment
- have the ability to work as a member of the team
- have time to participate fully in the work of the Governing body and one or more of its committees
- have the ability to absorb complex information and analyse data
- access training and development activities (within the College and elsewhere) to fulfil the role
- play an active part in College governance by acting as a critical friend to help maintain and develop this very successful College
College Governors are not expected to have a detailed knowledge of the institution's provision, but they are expected to have an understanding of the role of a Governor, in particular, the distinction between governance and management and to stand by the collective decisions of the Governing body.
The role of a College Governor is exciting and extremely worthwhile. it provides enormous insights into the social and economic challenges facing local communities and offers opportunities for direct contact with senior people in local firms and community bodies. It is an unpaid, voluntary role, although travel and expenses may be claimed. Experience as a Governor is both challenging and rewarding. It is valued by many employers and may help to enhance an individual's CV.
To find out more about becoming a Governor at Truro and Penwith College contact Wendy Randle for an informal chat on 01872 305507 or Alternatively, send your curriculum vitae and a brief covering letter to Wendy Randle, Head of Governance, Truro & Penwith College, College Road, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3XX.Â
Click the button below to see the Further Education College Governor Role description in more detail.