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Apprenticeship advice to Build Back Better

A free employer webinar will bring experts from Cornwall’s business and education communities together to explore Apprenticeships

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Published Wednesday 2 February 2022

Employers are invited to register their place on Truro and Penwith College’s free Apprenticeships: Build The Future Webinar that will take place during National Apprenticeship Week at 10am, Friday 11 February.

Kim Conchie (Cornwall Chamber of Commerce), Cathie Kessell (Cornwall Apprenticeships), Sharron Robbie MBE (Devon and Cornwall Training Providers Network) and James Collings (FootAnstey) will join senior members of staff at the College to host the event.

An update on the Cornish economy and opportunities in 2022 will be a key part of Kim Conchie’s update while Hayley McKinstry, Directory of Partnerships and Apprenticeships at the College, will cover work to supply skills needed in the local economy and opportunities for employers to shape future skills training.

New funding streams to help employers build back better are due to be highlighted by Laura Hames, Projects Delivery Manager at Truro and Penwith College, while Tom Moran, Head of Skills Centre, will present the College’s exciting new industry-standard facilities in Truro and Bodmin along with pioneering initiatives to introduce green technologies and working practices.

James Collings from FootAnstey will offer employers highly valuable advice on Apprenticeship employment and contract law, with a focus on the uncertainties of the pandemic and Brexit.

The expert panel will be joined by Sharron Robbie MBE from Devon & Cornwall Training Providers Network and Cathie Kessell from Cornwall Apprenticeships to continue the conversation and answer delegate’s questions.

Business Cornwall recently reported a significant increase in higher-level Apprenticeships in Cornwall and consistently strong starts across the board despite the challenges of the pandemic. Figures suggest many businesses are benefitting from Apprenticeship training at all levels of the organisation with almost half of new apprentices aged 25 and over.

Hayley McKinstry commented: “We are thrilled to bring together such an industry-leading panel of expert speakers to support employers and bring focus to the benefits of Apprenticeships during National Apprenticeship Week.

“Recent figures speak for themselves; the benefits of Apprenticeship programmes are vast. They increase productivity, transfer skills and knowledge and bring energy and enthusiasm, just some of the reasons why they are a key part of the Government’s Build Back Better campaign.

“We’re not only seeing employers use the route to recruit for entry-level roles but also train current members of staff to deal with new challenges and progress their career with a constantly expanding range of degree-level Apprenticeships now available”.

Employers are encouraged to visit Eventbrite to register their free place on the webinar.

The College’s Apprenticeship team are available to offer help and advice on 01872 305500 and


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