After two years of hard work and dedication over 1,600 A Level, Vocational Diploma and T Level students collected their results in August. With almost 1,000 students leaving College having secured entry to their first-choice university, this year is the culmination of their efforts and diligence, supported through the care, expertise and dedication of our excellent staff.
Welfare and Housing Associate Professionals
Job holders in this unit group provide pastoral care relating to religious denominations, student support (from 15 years of age), and a variety of welfare-related services including advice on benefits, health, disability and residential care.
view coursesAbout this Career
New workers start around £11,024.55. Normal pay is £26,028 per year. Highly experienced workers can earn up to £37,037.79.
Job counts include both employed and self-employed persons in Cornwall, and do<br /> not distinguish between full and part-time jobs.
Daily Tasks
- Performs pastoral care duties, preaches sermons and conducts some services in accordance with the relevant faith or denomination.
- Keeps up to date with legislation.
- Maintains records and compiles reports on clients.
- Helps to put together care plans and follows professional’s care plans.
- Organises day, residential and home care services.
- Assists and liaises with professionals in social work, the probation service and related welfare areas.
- Advises individuals and families experiencing problems about available resources to assist them.
- Advises on rights and entitlements in relation to benefits, health, discrimination and welfare.