Explore careers
Your future career begins on the first day of your new course.
Make an appointment with our University Centre careers advisor to research and explore your career ideas and consider your strengths, skills, priorities and barriers.
We will support you to work on your employability and career management skills, allowing you to make the most of work placement opportunities and start making positive links in your chosen sector.
Support and guidance are available for every stage of the recruitment process and this is extended for three years post graduation. Please get in touch at hecareers@truro-penwith.ac.uk.
University Centre Career Connect
Welcome to our University Centre Career Connect platform.
Alumni, please register here once your college account has expired to access our jobsboard, career research and learning materials. You can also book a post graduate careers appointment.
If you are an employer and would like to post a vacancy or work placement opportunity on our free jobsboard, please register via the link on the front page. If you’ve uploaded a job and are interested in providing other opportunities for students don’t forget to sign our Partnership Pledge.
our stories
Our students benefit from as much career support as they need throughout their studies from our career and placement advisors, as well as our experienced lecturing teams. Many students go on to have exciting and satisfying careers. Read some of their stories below.